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Just A Thought ~ 2012 > March 2012 ~ Destiny
March 2012 ~ Destiny

Mar 1, 2012

Sometimes life can get us down because of various circumstances as we tumble or cruise through the bumps and turns along the way. I know that there have been several situations in my own life that were not so pleasant due to decisions I made sometimes carefully other times carelessly and usually based upon my own insecurities or lack of understanding or knowledge. For many of us, we got lost along the way when we took that first unknown step into our hearts and fell in love. Some of us have done it more than once and some great loves, or not so great, have led us down the path of self- discovery.

I’m not sure when I became a “romantic” at heart but I most certainly do recall the conversation when my father told me that I would like a movie he had recorded for me to watch while visiting him during one of my college breaks. I asked him why he thought I would like the movie and he told me that it was because I was a "romantic”. I wasn’t sure as to how to take his comment but he proceeded to let me know that he had met many people throughout his life and had seen why they did what they did and I was one of the ones who followed their heart when it came to love. I was a little surprised that my Dad had noticed anything about my love life but being about nineteen years old and he being in his early seventies I was taken off guard that someone saw and told me something about myself that seemed to be right on.

Wow…what a journey it has been! The innocence of a young heart as it fares into the waves like a small boat that is tossed upon the seas of love ~ never really knowing how long the voyage will last or with whom and when. Looking back, after all these years, I have noticed that there were a few times where I did not listen to my heart as much because, in some ways, I had felt deceived by it. It had been broken once or twice along the way when I felt betrayed, deeply hurt or finally concluding that the feelings were not mutual, or so it seemed at the time.

In my intuitive work, I am fully aware that people want to know when they will meet their soul mate so that they may be able to avoid unproductive relationships that may lead to a dead end in their minds. Believe me, it is very tempting to look for all the answers so as to make life easier for them however, I sense that it is the equations in life that give you the reason(s) for the answers in life. Life and love involves and requires the pluses and the minuses that give you the summation in life. And so does each relationship we engage with our precious time and hearts. We are given so many opportunities to learn about ourselves with each individual person so far as to discover our preferences in what we think they should look like, how they should earn a living, and even the revealing truths as to what is in it for me? I’ve noticed that as I’ve grown older and experienced short and long term relationships that I am tending towards finding out what their values and beliefs are and if they are actually living their life the way they claim to be living. I have found that, for me, to share a common faith in society, a higher Being (God), and outlook on life with my partner is becoming more and more important. I may not be able to explain clearly to someone why I live by Faith or why I pray and choose to consciously live my life with my heart open to God (as much as possible) but I know that sometimes we cannot explain the unexplained to those who are unbelievers. And so, some years ago, I slowly withdrew my need to control and change “them” and their ways of living and thinking and began to live my life, step by step, the way I needed to live my life. Along the way, I have found that the necessary ingredients of Love with my heart include compassion, grace, forgiveness, patience and respect. I’m sure I will be adding more to my grocery list in the years to come…

Love is one of those things that is challenging to define and consistently apply throughout our daily lives. Whether it is a romantic love or the love of a child not all people share the same depths that love offers even though they may be a mother or father, a sister or brother, a daughter or son. How can you prove that you love someone? Some would say it is just a feeling you have and others would say that you can tell if someone loves you by the way that they treat you. But I’ve had people who loved me who hurt me and I have loved people that I have hurt, as well. Though we are all struggling with the concept of Love and how to inject or surround, envelope or distance ourselves from this phenomenon we all so desperately want it in our lives. When we are hurt or rejected we have ways of coping with the pain in a number of ways by running out or running to another or going on the rebound. And there are times when we just plain give up for a while or for the rest of our lives.

While having lunch with a male friend last year he shared a bit of insight that he had shared with his daughter while she was dating her boyfriend. What I took away from our conversation was whether or not the person you are involved with really “gets you”. Since then I’ve kind of taken this to mean do they understand my quirky sides, do they seem to know just what I like even when I don’t even know what I like, somehow they just know what to do or say. They are just there. While you are watching a sad movie and silently crying he calls out from the other room “are you ok?” It’s as if they can feel you even whether you are 30 feet away or three time zones away. I realized that I was blessed to have known a few men who “got me” and the first person who came to mind was my father.

Throughout my twenties, on occasion, I share with my Dad my feelings and disappointments in love, not always seeing the big picture, as it were. These conversations would allow me the time and provide some distance and hindsight to weave my way through my own inner states of confusion and clarity. Even when I was young there was some part inside of me that knew that this was special ~ being allowed to find my way in my own time and my father provided me with the foreign insights into men that only a father could share with his daughter. I treasure these priceless moments I had with my Dad.

My Dad passed away in 1994 and, at the time, part of my heart felt like it died with him. By that time the hopeless romantic had learned to be more practical in life as I placed more emphasis on my work and less on the people who broke my heart in some way or another. I gave up the hope that I would meet another person who could love me as much as someone once had though I would crack open my heart every now and then. Occasionally, I can hear his advice in tender moments of the heart as I understand a little bit more into my own shortcomings and high expectations. One of my favorite songs, Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac, refers to “lightning strikes once, maybe twice.” It was unusual, as my Dad told me, to have been “struck” even once. I was one of the lucky ones, I guessed.

Yes, love is a funny thing. When it does happen it is a very special and personal experience that can happen in a blink of an eye with a person we may not expect to fall in love with or possibly even consider to be significant in our lives. And when we do take that step into our heart we can and will learn so much from those moments. However long we may have to live and look back upon and, once we iron out the past wrinkles in our hearts, may we reflect on our lives with more joy and less sorrow, more light and less shadows, more love and less indifference.

So now, I consider myself a hopeful romantic who enjoys the many ways that Love manifests in the world of art through the eyes of the heart. Sure, there will still be clients who want to know when their soul mate is coming, but instead of giving the ending away why not let their heart find its’ way at its’ own pace? No one can fully appreciate being told the ending to a story or a lifetime if they haven’t been given the opportunity to take the pen and paper and write their own lives, word by word page by page, chapter by chapter and write their novel themselves.

Love is a daily choice of actions that we make in our own lives that leads us towards our destiny.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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