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Just A Thought ~ 2012 > May 2012 ~ The Voice
May 2012 ~ The Voice

May 1, 2012

I’m sure we’ve all heard that voice ~ the one that says “no, don’t go down that street” as we lose our sense of direction while driving through a neighborhood or “leave now” as an argument escalates into the atmosphere. And how many times have you listened to the voice and followed through ~ how many times have you not listened and found yourself in a place you never thought you would be or suddenly felt afraid for your life?

What is this mechanism that we have inside of ourselves that lets us know when we have crossed the line? The first thing that comes to mind is the conscience that could be termed as a God given gift or the curse of the Devil depending upon not only if we hear it but how often do we listen to it as well as consult with it when making decisions. Do we pay attention to it only when it jars us with its guidance or do we cower in its’ judgment of ourselves and others? I’m not sure if everyone is born with a conscience and I don’t know if most people feel its nudges or as one person I knew would hear the voices scream at him in his mind at certain times throughout his life. When do we listen to it…when the volume is turned up all the way or when we quiet our minds in meditative practice(s) so we may hear its wisdom? Then there are the voices in the schizophrenic mind that society does not want to acknowledge and turns away from the possible insights it may offer. What about an intuitive’s mind who acquires information from resources that may not be completely identified or accepted by the “traditional” medical world as reliable or accurate but then, what science that man has studied, has proven that our science knows everything and can explain everything that this Universe has to offer us?

When we hear this voice (or voices) in our head how can you determine that it is worthy of being a friend or a foe? What switch must flip inside of us in order for us to decide what is best for us in the short term and/or in the long term? Consider the thought that decisions are always made in the present time even though you may procrastinate in making a decision you actually have already made a decision even though you may think you are fooling yourself or others by backing away, you most likely are not fooling anyone, including yourself. So it would seem that it is in our best interests to make decisions with what we know at the moment pending any immediate research we may need to complete as the energies within and around us are evolving and forming new energies all the time. We can see this working in our everyday lives as when we avoid a car accident while driving or when we step on a toy that was left on the stairs and when we fell we broke a hand. Even more noteworthy, when we have been diagnosed with an illness that we must choose what, if any, treatment we plan to pursue. These are just a few examples of varying degrees of the importance of our decisions and our ability to be in the present moment. Knee jerk reactions, conditioned responses, eye/hand coordination and just plain good or bad luck may be the outcome. But how many of us have heard within ourselves, somewhere along the way, in the recent past or just moments before an incident that there was the inner voice that suggested another way.

Nature has its own way of letting us know when it is time to stay or time to go if we listen to its nudges, its’ own voices of reason and guidance within us and not solely depend on the opinions of others. Time is of the essence and life is moving on and, as we are proceeding towards the end of a relationship, the end of a career, or other chapter in our lives, we may find less time for the drama and give more time for the stillness and resolution that a decision can offer.

Notice how the animals use what we call their “instincts” and due to their supposed inability to be able to reason, they follow their instincts. We may attempt to condition domesticated animals by training (or reducing) the instinct of the animal so we can tame its’ animalistic reactions and have them act the way we want them to act in order for them to live with us. How many of us try to kill our natural born “instincts” within ourselves or others so we may become more human and accepted in society and live less “like animals”. I have never lived with a wild animal but the ones I see on documentaries seem to use their instincts to stand their ground protecting their territory or their young or to feed themselves when hungry. They thrive on what their basic survival needs are at the moment. Many humans, on the other hand, survive not only on need but also by greed encouraging aggression, separation, and anxiety to name just a few.

If mankind is believed to be able to reason, unlike the animals, then maybe the voice(s) we hear are based upon the natural instincts that we have been taught to disown, discredit or fear. These instincts have been given a voice for us to interpret what is going on around us as well as inside of us at any point in time. What determines whether it is right or wrong is based upon whether we live or die, win or lose, love or hate, feel pain or joy, judged or free from judging. It is a pathway to our inner selves that we must build and rely on for who else are we to believe in more than ourselves ~ for whose voice are they following anyway?

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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