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Just A Thought ~ 2012 > June 2012 ~ The Hands of Time
June 2012 ~ The Hands of Time

Jun 1, 2012

Time is measured in various ways by different people and cultures, religions and perceptions. Some say it is measured by how many hours you stay awake or work in a day and some may say it is best spent doing what you love to do or being with the one(s) you love. Certain careers may even offer you tenure or a pension if/when you qualify giving a person a sense of security and esteem providing them with opportunities to utilize their time, skills and knowledge. Which brings me to ask ourselves what can I offer to others that someone else may want to know or learn or to just give them a reason to connect with me and others?

Over the years I have met people from other countries who were visiting the United States due to traveling for pleasure, for work, looking to live a more fulfilling life or to further their formal education. And, having been a traveler myself in my younger years, I know how it feels to be in a place where you seek a connection to people even though you are in the midst of a foreign country. Touring beyond the comforts of your life into unknowing places and cultures that surround you and perhaps feeling out of sorts with yourself. Everything you may have been taught may no longer be the social norm in that society such as forms of expression or physical gestures let alone the language that you may not be fluent in so as to have an engaging conversation with a native. Your feelings can quickly move to thoughts of isolation as you find fewer ways to interact with people and you may withdraw all together and tuck your tail in between your legs, like a dog, and want to go home.

I’ve been there a few times throughout my life where I found myself at odds with people around me and I don’t even have to leave the country I live in. Sometimes, it is because I carelessly reacted, either verbally or physically inappropriately. As I felt the energies well up within me something inside of me let me know just how powerful I was in the moment of truth ~ when there was no script to follow, no shadow to chase after ~ I was just there by myself to stand in all my glory or, maybe I should say, embarrassment.

I know how it feels to be in “the wrong” just as I know how it feels to be in “the right”. To feel like you belong and then you no longer have the identity you created and somehow lost or left behind. To feel strong in one moment and then to feel out of control and weakened when the external supports you relied upon are no longer around you. We’ve all been there when we felt down and out of breath and too tired or proud to ask for assistance.

And what do we gain by experiencing this sense of isolation? For some it may be a sense of being out of control, desperation, anger and fear. You may see the lashing out of pain carried out in words and actions, in tears or disconnection. Humans seem to have a need to connect with other people as well as to connect with their own passions during this lifetime. We judge our success by time or age, by a formal degree or the length of a relationship and all of these events have an effect on our state of mind and sense of fulfillment. What is missing in your life? What haven’t you quite succeeded in that you feel is lacking or you feel a sense of being less than whole? And how do we arrive at manifesting our dreams ~ by the sheer force of habit, by will, by practice or abusing our abilities and powers to impose will upon others and deem what is necessary for them is what is best for ourselves?

We may all have a unique purpose in this life to offer to others, if we take the time to discover ourselves and commit to our own conscious journey. The level of awareness, I believe, is not only beneficial to what we conclude but in what we contribute to another’s journey ~ some of them may be known as evident by our actions. Some intentions are never known as who the gift originated from ~ such as the ever infamous philanthropist named “Anonymous”. Years ago I would wonder why someone would not give themselves the credit for doing a good deed or giving their money to a charitable cause but over time I’ve seen random acts of kindness that have given, without attachment, the genuine force and healing powers~ the true gifts ~ of remaining nameless and not only allowing but believing in the Process of The Universe.

In my opinion, giving the gift without the attaching card allows the receiver to thank more than the one person and to encourage them to see that the giver could be anyone or no one that they know, at all. When there is a name attached the receiver may feel a sense of indebtedness to the giver as if there is a score card or a sense of obligation to return a favor or to refuse the gift. Sometimes the giver has motives that are designed to control or manipulate the receiver so that they will act a certain way or possibly feel as if a relationship is established because of the “gift”.

So when you give your gifts of praise, of adoration, of time, money, life to a child or give birth to a company what are your intentions based upon? This is a question to decipher hopefully before the gift is selected or needed but there are times to reflect upon our past actions and to realign ourselves, our pasts, our gifts with attachments and expectations including our judgments and fears. Ask yourself, “how do I want to be remembered and with what gesture, thoughts, words, and comforting touches?” What am I afraid of that I fear will never happen regarding my life and what I can do to move on from here? We can choose to live in the isolation of fear and dread, in pain and in death never allowing or encouraging another person to connect with us or give ourselves the love we so long to find and “deserve”.

We can live in the moment of truth and look in the mirror at ourselves and ask “how did I get here and where am I going? Where have I been? What does the future hold for me and who will make me happy? We have time for lots of questions and we may find reasons in our excuses to justify our delays in finding our buried treasures within ourselves. We must dig in the dirt. We must feel our way with our hands for no other can do this for us. We must all begin and continue to search for ourselves throughout our lives. It’s as if we must reach out and reach within and grasp the soil of our soul and assess ~ what it needs more of or needs less of ~ in the ever changing seasons and rotation of crops in a lifetime. We plow the fields of our soul with hands that will serve us well if we utilize their strengths and honor their gentleness when we intend and extend ourselves. Our intentions are seen even though they may seem to remain unseen, like time that wears the wrinkles and freckles and smiles that a face delivers. Once we connect our hands to our soul and realize that our intentions are the extensions of ourselves we will see how we reap is what we sow ~ what we give is what we get ~ over the course of our lives and maybe then, we will know who we are and if who we really want to remain that person they have come to know.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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