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Just A Thought ~ 2012 > November 2012 ~ In Focus
November 2012 ~ In Focus

Nov 30, 2012

There have been times throughout my life where my vision got blurred not only my eyesight but also with my insights. There can be extenuating circumstances that can cause such disillusions but as I look back I seem to notice that the majority of them were affected by my lack of control of emotions ~ the inability to weave purpose into these emotional currents of energy and so my choices were lessons to learn and some were for me to learn well.

My level of sensitivity seems to be higher than most people I have met over my lifetime and I am reminded often (and aware) that I seem to be a magnet for these currents. Due to necessity and the need for some sort of sanity I have found several methods to release other people’s energies in order to be able to hear my own thoughts, feel my own experiences and live my own life. Sounds like it should be a simple feat but as I see more and more people stumble upon their own intuitive abilities I can sense when they are living their life as a psychic mop or sponge as it does have its’ consequences. Not only can their thoughts and feelings be affected but their health, sense of security, value and peace of mind to name a few. And, if you find that you are one of these people (or know someone who is), then I encourage you to read further.

Moving away from everything and everyone I had ever known was the price I paid in answer to a calling that I had heard when I was fourteen years old during my first visit to Arizona. Even at such a tender age I felt as if I had lived here before and, even though I didn’t consciously know what my soul was at that age, I told my Mother that I was going to live here one day. Out of all the places we had ever traveled in the United States and Europe I had never felt such a passion for a place as I have felt for this land. I knew I belonged here.

In December of 1994, within twenty four hours of telling my boss that I wanted to move to Arizona a job opportunity with my company opened up for me. I noticed how my thoughts seemed to become reality without much of a delay and many spiritual gifts were coming to me quickly. I felt overwhelmed with so much knowledge and unable to make sense of what was happening to me. This period of my life was a monumental shift for me while receiving the gifts I was also being violently purged (in my opinion) of what no longer served me. Of course, I had no idea what to make of this tsunami of events and my life was never to be what it once was as it seemed as if I had plugged into a main artery that catapulted my spiritual growth out amongst the stars in the Southwestern skies.

Over the years I tried many types of what I would now call coping techniques searching for successful methods to establish healthy “psychic” boundaries for myself. The first method that made significant headway for me, personally, was when I was working with the guidance of a gifted Classical homeopath over fifteen years ago while living in Flagstaff, AZ. To tell you the truth, until many layers of my onion was peeled, I had no idea just what I was carrying around with me all the time. I would avoid meeting new people and found myself unable to decipher just what was going on with me as I had become a psychic sponge, as it felt, when I was with people I knew or didn’t know. I would come home and have emotions that I could not understand and racing thoughts that did not allow me to sleep for many years. Needless to say, I don’t think I was in the best of shape to cope or endure and I found myself carrying a huge boulder on my shoulder and unable to find much joy in the experiences of my life.

While “trying on” different modalities I began to enjoy the simplicities of nature, exploring creative outlets and spending more time alone at home which allowed me the luxury to relax more and more. I began to nest in my sanctuary and surround myself with books, music, and art, enjoy my animals and plants, learn a little more about herbs, essential oils and flower remedies. And, more recently, I have added to my repertoire jewelry, crystals and pictures of family and friends. Some of the works of nature have taken form as tools for me to clear and recall, release and remember and to see the beauty within and without. To sense a connection between us knowing that a higher power is what is connecting us, as dots, in this menagerie of minds and weapons, in turmoil and shame, with grace and love, without judgment and offering compassion.

Throughout my journey I have learned that forgiveness is for the times that I have judged myself or another as it frees me from the sentences that I so carelessly planted in myself and believed was imposed upon by others . I have found that pain, whether internal or external, is all the same as it is a clear message that something in me needs to be realized in order for me to heal and be healthy. That compassion may be when I have not felt what another has felt or when I have built and lived in the same place they currently live in. Gratitude is not just an expression but a way of life for when I have little I find that I have more and in finding that truth I now know that I have more than enough and now share what I have. That love is a measure of my journey from my heart to your heart and from my soul remembering your soul believing that we are One, and only One, in the same. I have witnessed that the only teachers selected by The Divine are the ones who do not teach for the sake of being a teacher but live their lives as a testament and roadmap for others ~ while walking their talk. I have felt my prayers rest in the arms of God and now know that faith is what others term as the “secret.” Faith was never meant to be hidden from view but lived and treasured more than any precious metal or colored jewels this world may ever discover.

To live in the moment free from the snares of the illusion and to once again know that I am the creator of my life and to know that I can do anything I set my mind and heart on. I am not valued because of the business I choose to earn a living from or the address of my home ~ nor by my age or my ethnicity but that I have come to know that I am a child of God who was not created by accident but on Divine Purpose. Remember where I came from and know where I am going but always know where I am right now, in my life with my heart, body, mind and soul and utilize the tools I have found to keep my sites clear and in focus.

The journey is long enough when I am not able to see the paths ahead as clearly as I’d like but I can keep myself and my emotions in line by the choices I make. My decisions can create detours and distractions that lead to rocky roads though I don’t think that life was meant to be lived as smoothly as I might like it to be. For it is in the storms I have weathered and the currents I have crossed that my faith has been tested and found. New opportunities of knowledge and growth sprout from the eternal springs of my experiences that I maintain or selectively leave behind. Today is a new day for me…what about for you?

May you know you are loved and guided, protected and provided, all the days of your lives.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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